
5 Simple Steps to Keep Your Carpet Fresh & Clean

Professional Cleaning Services

Yes, carpet is nice for laying down on and generally being comfy. However, it is so incredibly absorbent that it absorbs pretty much anything that falls on it, including hair, cat dander, dust buns, and any number of other nasty things. To keep it clean, make sure you thoroughly vacuum it every single day. Otherwise, your plush, comfy carpet will quickly become a disgusting mess.

It’s not hard at all to clean carpeting using a good vacuum; however, paying for one can be expensive. Also, having a good vacuum means emptying it after every use!

This article describes not just how to best clean your carpets, but also how often to clean them and even some extra bonuses for specific ways to remove spots and stains and then finally some additional techniques for special situations.

Carpet Care Services Melbourne

Cleaning your carpets in 5 easy steps.

Use your vacuum.

Vacuuming keeps carpets clean by sucking up all kinds of small particles that would otherwise get ground into them or wear their fibres down.

Don’t forget to check out all the different vacuum attachments to really give the carpet a thorough cleaning. Make sure you vacuum not just one direction but both ways so that you really cover all that floor space. For all purposes, we usually use an upright vacuum cleaner with a rotating brush instead of a cyclone vacuum cleaner for deep cleaning.

Carpet Cleaning Services Melbourne

Clean spots right away.

Blotting the stain with a clean, damp cloth may be sufficient for some types of stains, but if you notice that it isn’t working, look into using another method.

To remove stubborn marks and spots from clothing, use club soda, vinegar, peroxide or a dish detergent. If you ever need to remove a stubborn stain from fabric, always use a clean water blot first before applying another type of cleaner.

To remove stubborn stains, pour some liquid dish soap into the stain and let the mixture soak in for several hours. Then, use baking powder instead of a detergent to help break down the dirt. Once the stain has been removed, vacuum up the remaining baking powder. Rinse the sponge well after using it.

Then use water to soak up the stain. Add some salt onto the stained surface. Salt acts as a buffer against the staining chemicals. After waiting 20 minutes, let the salt water mixture cool down. Finally, vacuum up the salt that has been dried out.

1. Scrub the day away!

Here’s the solution you can use for scrubbing your carpets:

  • Mix together one-part white vinegar and three parts waters.
  • Use a soft bristled scrubber and vinegar to remove stains and odours.
  • Vinegar’s acidic properties will help clean up any odours from your carpet, even if they’re already strong enough to smell like a snack cart at the local grocery store.
  • Blot away vinegar by wiping them off with a clean, dry cloth.
  • If you’ve got some really stinky carpet stains, sprinkle the affected areas with baking powder first, then let them soak for 20–30 minutes before vacuuming them up.

2. Steam cleaning is the key.

Always obey the instructions when using a steam cleaner.

Use a hot tap/boiling/warm running tap (depending on where you live) and a few drops of the liquid soap you prefer to clean the surface with. Steam clean the floor using a slow moving steamer.

To remove most moisture from your carpets, use slow motion and push the vacuum backwards.

3. Vacuum until your carpet looks clean and fresh.

Remove bad odour from your carpet.

Let’s face it; no one likes a stinky carpet. However, there are ways to control odours and remove unpleasant smells from carpets.

  • How to deal with stink from smoke.

    For best results, pour baking powder directly onto the stain and vacuum immediately afterward. The baking powder will act as an absorber, absorbing the odour and leaving no residue behind.
  • Get rid of mildew.

    Soak up any excess moisture from your carpets with a dehumidifying fan or several fans pointed down. When the area is dry, combine two tablespoons of borax with four tablespoons of salt. Sprinkle the mixture evenly onto the affected areas and let it sit overnight. The following morning, vacuum the area thoroughly. Rinse the salt residue off the surface with cold water, then apply one coat of bleach to the entire room. Allow the room to air dry completely before vacuuming again. Repeat these steps until the smell goes away.
  • Out with the mould and bacteria.

    For stubborn odours like bacteria and mould, we recommend dousing the area in a solution of vodka. The liquor will break down the smell-causative ingredients. Spray a little vodka into a spray bottle and spritz any mouldy spots. Allow the solution to remain for fifteen minutes before wiping off the surface with a clean cloth. If the mould remains after that time, sprinkle a small amount of baking soda onto the affected area, wait for thirty minutes, then thoroughly sweep up the powder with a broom.
  • Stinky urine from your pets? Fret no more!

    Soak up the stains as best as you can using a dry cloth. Mix together two cupfuls of warm water with two cupfuls of white vinegar and four tablespoonfuls of baking soda. Spray the solution onto your carpet and allow it to soak into the fibres for five minutes before rinsing it off. Blotting the spots with a clean, damp cloth should remove any remaining stains.

    Club soda is also a great replacement for removing pet pee, but if you do get any on your floor, try blotting it up quickly before letting it soak into your rug. Otherwise, just leave it alone – the carbon dioxide gas bubbles in club soda lift dirt out of your rug and help it evaporate, leaving behind no sticky residue.

  • A sweaty situation.

You know those workout sessions at home? Well, they might be giving off some pretty pungent smells! But don’t worry; a quick spritz of Febreze Fabrics will knock those smells out for good. It’s the perfect way to freshen up after working out.

Carpet Care Services Melbourne

Things to remember:

Vacuum regularly

Vacuum cleaning is very important when it concerns maintaining your carpets clean and clear. Once you vacuum each week, you’re regularly tugging on the pile of your floor covering. In doing so, you’re getting rid of the surface layers of debris and soil. If you wait too lengthy before vacuuming, then filth and debris can accumulate deeper within your carpet.

Tackle any visible stains right away!

Remove the stains before they get too deep. Apply pressure when you first notice them so that the stain stays wet; however, if you wait until the stain has dried out, then it might be too late – the stain could already have reached the carpet fibres.

Have your carpets professionally cleaned

Carpets should generally be vacuumed about once every two weeks – if not much more frequently. Vacuum cleaners are great tools for getting rid of excess debris and allergens from the surface of your flooring. However, they aren’t meant to go any deeper than what’s visible on the surface. So, if you’d like to keep your floors healthy, professional carpet cleaning is highly recommended!

With professional cleaning services, you can be sure that dust mites, mould, dirt, and allergens don’t stay trapped in your carpeting for long periods of time and keep your family safe and healthy. You get to enjoy clear indoor air quality without any added expense.

Keep your carpets fresh and clean with Australian Advanced Carpet Care!

AACC works primarily with both residential and commercial clients who want the best carpet cleaning available for their properties. There are no quick fixes because they don’t work, unlike doing things correctly for the first time. We offer trustworthy services at fair prices, and we earn our client’s respect by delivering exactly what we promised.

Essentially, we provide a premium service at a fair price because satisfied clients are the lifeblood of any business.

Contact us now!

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